Wednesday 24 June 2015

About duality and a divination: June 23 and later


In the duality of the world, we see everything as poles.
There is good and bad, black and white, negative and positive, and so on.

This is the world we are told we live in, it isn't really the truth.

The truth is that duality is a manifestation of our perspective.
Ever wonder, are light and dark antagonistic or is dark merely the absence of light. Or is dark, in fact, a stage for light to exhibit itself thus in essence being its mentor? What is evil then, the light or the dark? Or none?

The truth is that good and evil are nothing more than social concepts and that joy and sorrow are both equally important. This doesn't mean we can go about hurting people. What it means is that once we transcend the illusion of good and evil we will know that those whom we want to hurt are simply immature souls, children souls , that need mentoring and not punishment and so we will not hurt them at all.

I don't know of a better way to say this than by this example: all coins have two faces and we like heads if we declared heads in a toss. Heads is good for us as it will make us win it. Good and bad are such defined terms.

The week ahead:

The week ahead is like this coin. There is joy. You have perhaps reaped some benefit or favour and hence you are happy. You are being told to acknowledge this joy, revel in it and most importantly , share it.

Spread joy when you can, so that when you need it there are people by your side who can spread it to you.

By the fag end of the week, you will begin a journey. This could be a journey in the physical world or it could be a mental or spiritual learning process. Here is where things get tricky. Just as a vacation tires us, a journey that is spiritual or mental in nature could be tiring and may cause mood changes or bouts of loneliness or sadness. You may feel stagnant and go aloof. You might even end up wondering how two days ago you were the party animal full of high spirit. Don't. Don't waste your breath wondering, you are being told. Instead , know that just as joy changed into "sorrow", sadness will change into happiness.


Be conscious of the change you are going through, as much as you can, embrace it, and know that it is for a greater good: one that you shall one day see.


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