Sunday 28 June 2015

June end and early July

'Where there is passion, new paths can be created'

When it seems that there simply isn't a way out, what does one do? Do we sit and moan? Do we try and seek? Needless to say, we seek. Stranded in a forest, we seek a clearing behind a certain bush . When such a situation arises within 'us' we must turn inwards and seek.

This is the message for the coming week.

We shall face seemingly insurmountable blockages but we must at all costs, hold on to our true, most genuine passion, seek within, and wait for clarity. It is a time to fight for your beliefs and passion, do not give up. It could be that great idea you have been trying to impress upon your boss at work that no one seems to pay heed to. It could be that project you wish to start but no one seems to realise its significance. It could be that spiritual breakthrough you have been wanting to attain but are finding difficult.

Worry not, as long as you truly believe in your idea, you shall succeed.

Universe works is mysterious ways and more than often, we may not be able to connect the dots while the plan unfolds. Nonetheless, you must sit back, relax, believe and watch the divine plan work out.

Stay true to yourself, and believe in destiny and the divine plan.

Many blessings

Thursday 25 June 2015

Saying 'NO' To Amnesia

|| Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya ||

Here is a beautiful Sanskrit shloka that says "deliver from darkness (Tamas) unto light (Jyoti) ..Conscious awakening of the consciousness, from amnesia to truth..."

Say aloud with me:
I AM joy, pure and free
I AM my manifestation, my true dream
I AM fearless of what is to come
I AM powerful I AM I AM I AM truth.

These aren't just words. Words , in fact, are NEVER just words, they are spells the power of which depends upon the intent of the speaker. Now go back again, read the sentences one by one, close your eyes and speak them aloud with as much intent as you can muster.

Some of you might not believe, but we all have the power within. We ARE power. To those who are sceptical, I suggest do it anyway, what harm can this simple exercise do.
Better still, write them down on a post-it and say them out loud daily for a week or more.

You will see the difference.

Wake up from the amnesia, we are more than the small percentage of our brain that we use. Try wake up the rest of it, and realise your own power.

Blessed be


Wednesday 24 June 2015

About duality and a divination: June 23 and later


In the duality of the world, we see everything as poles.
There is good and bad, black and white, negative and positive, and so on.

This is the world we are told we live in, it isn't really the truth.

The truth is that duality is a manifestation of our perspective.
Ever wonder, are light and dark antagonistic or is dark merely the absence of light. Or is dark, in fact, a stage for light to exhibit itself thus in essence being its mentor? What is evil then, the light or the dark? Or none?

The truth is that good and evil are nothing more than social concepts and that joy and sorrow are both equally important. This doesn't mean we can go about hurting people. What it means is that once we transcend the illusion of good and evil we will know that those whom we want to hurt are simply immature souls, children souls , that need mentoring and not punishment and so we will not hurt them at all.

I don't know of a better way to say this than by this example: all coins have two faces and we like heads if we declared heads in a toss. Heads is good for us as it will make us win it. Good and bad are such defined terms.

The week ahead:

The week ahead is like this coin. There is joy. You have perhaps reaped some benefit or favour and hence you are happy. You are being told to acknowledge this joy, revel in it and most importantly , share it.

Spread joy when you can, so that when you need it there are people by your side who can spread it to you.

By the fag end of the week, you will begin a journey. This could be a journey in the physical world or it could be a mental or spiritual learning process. Here is where things get tricky. Just as a vacation tires us, a journey that is spiritual or mental in nature could be tiring and may cause mood changes or bouts of loneliness or sadness. You may feel stagnant and go aloof. You might even end up wondering how two days ago you were the party animal full of high spirit. Don't. Don't waste your breath wondering, you are being told. Instead , know that just as joy changed into "sorrow", sadness will change into happiness.


Be conscious of the change you are going through, as much as you can, embrace it, and know that it is for a greater good: one that you shall one day see.


Sunday 21 June 2015

A Litha of Love

Hi all
I feel delighted with a light that is shining inside me as the Sun Lord shines.
I had a simple Litha with a humble , symbolic bonfire in a cauldron and I skipped the tools and herbs (primarily because I am travelling)

My Litha was about global peace and collective empowerment. This is in fact the theme of most of my celebrations.

The day began with a mystical visit by a few birds. They called me out and I felt instantly blessed. I had a cleansing ritual bath and as I sat down honouring the forces of nature, invoking the elements, I could feel the power of the Sun. I saw His beautiful surface, the powerful whips of heat and light, in my minds eye. I prayed that the light of the Sun forever shine upon us and empower us all. Then I saw the lovely surface of the mother Moon. I saw her cool light and mystical appeal. I prayed that may her glow radiate from within us all, helping us ascend in our journey.

Then I did a simple visualisation:
I saw the golden and silver light filling me, as I filled my self with love and affirmation. Then, I saw it radiate onto my friends, family, city and so on until I could visualise the entire world bathing in a beautiful amalgam of gold and silver.

We can only rise via love.
We can only sustain the rise if the entire earth rises.

This Litha, I tried at my level, to raise the frequency of our home.

How was your Litha?

Love and light,

Friday 19 June 2015

Wishful thinking

Almost everyone tells that a wish indicates a weakness, a nick through which our energy escapes. They say that a wish implies we are bound to something.  All this erroneously makes some spiritual people think that wishing is evil....

We are bound to something ,
Our wishes indicate
Are they evil
For us, a terrible fate?
Should we all then
Just sit and accept
That what we stumble upon
And forget all quest?
Like stagnant water,
should we then become?
Aimless and passive
Free and such some?
But stagnant waters
Also breed filth and disease
Do barely any good
Just sit with ease.
True it also breeds
Many lotuses pure
Exalted flowers lovely
That many fairies, lure.

But no, a wish is not evil
If made from a place of love
For beings all and all of world
Enveloping all from above

A wish derived from a longing true
Not from greed or with jealous hue
With focus right and clarity of mind
With love for all and a heart that's kind
With selfless support to beings rest
Without wondering if that's for your own best
With faith undeterred that you are looked after
Just as much as you are offering others laughter
And with a knowing that while at times
You need to assert your skills, at times
You need to learn and need to teach
Together we can go beyond our own reach

A wish that is thus responsibly made,
Definitely has a better, beautiful fate

So go and do your wishful thinking.
Do no harm ever and to a sinking
Friend or foe, alike, offer a helping hand
Without a camel, no man ever trod the sand.


Photo courtesy:
After I wrote this down, I came upon a lovely image. The blog was lovelier. It is a good example of one of the many meanings of the poem above.
Do read here.

Monday 15 June 2015

June the 15th and later

There is a calling whispered amidst the noise of the mundane. A journey that is about to begin is planned. It is like you are in the hills, green, unkempt, wild and beautiful. A toy train with free ride awaits you. It is beautiful, rustic , Celtic. Hot cookies and fresh brew is on the menu. It is not going to wait. It leaves when it leaves. The journey begins when it is time.
All you have to do is board the train.

Some of you will meet someone who'd influence your life in subtle yet significant ways. This person will come like the rains that empower the seeds to sprout. This person shall empower you, make your true self be expressed. If there are traits you have been suppressing knowingly/ unknowingly, now is the time to unleash them.
You are being told to trust this person as your relationship shall be deep and significant.
Have faith.
And let the journey begin.

Remember, destiny and freewill go hand in hand.



Image courtesy

Tuesday 9 June 2015

June the 9th and later

Strangely beautiful, the spirit.
So immensely powerful yet so contained.
When chained away from its purpose, when out of alignment, the spirit is at unrest. It makes us know it in the various moods and temper issues. It is our own inability to be aligned that makes us lash out on someone, remember.

A week of such a lack of alignment might be ahead for some. You may feel your rewards are no where around you. You may feel restless , even angry or frustrated.

You are being told this:

Trust that your rewards are already there. You and your rewards are in the same dark room. You can't see it as it is dark. Try light up the room. Switch on that light and go feast.

Now here is the tricky part. Enough of metaphors. How does one switch the light on?

Well, that depends.

It depends on what really is the reward. Is it what you expect? Perhaps you expect wrongly and it is actually something else right in front of you?

So once you truly understand what the reward is, remember to persevere for the light. It could be a switch you press, a remote, a string you pull or it could be the clap of your hands that switch the light on. So first, figure out HOW to light up the place.

Then light it up!

The coming week is an exercise for us to understand the above. Ponder over it and you shall know what it is...

You are strong. Strong enough to persevere.
Remember that!

Love and light.



Free your spirit and let it wander
To places of magick, to rise and wonder.

Liberated, anchors none, spirit free:
Empowered for ascension,
