Monday 4 January 2016

The Animal Speak: The Cat

I am been guided for a long time now, to do a lot of things, one of which is connecting all of us with the spirit world of the animals.
I was told to use natural pictures that inspire, thus I haven't used eye catching fantasy art but raw pictures (that I deny any ownership of) that should ideally imply the message.

I sought the first animal and the Cat popped up.

Observe the picture carefully and
you can see most of the characteristics
attributed to the cat. She is smart even
in her innocence. She is keen, curious
and wise. She isn't confused. She seeks
with patience. Fearless, she explores.

If you think you can associate with these characteristics, then Cat is your spirit animal. However, if you were thinking intensely about an issue and you have "accidentally" bumped into this post, then please do consider the words to be the advice to you.

Have a magickal day!

Blessed be,