Friday 18 September 2015

Three card matrix: divination (Dated: September the 18th)

The cards spoke about three aspects. Perhaps this reading is more specific for the lightworkers, however everyone else can also relate to at least the last part of the reading .

So here goes:

There are three aspects that the cards spoke about:
1) The spiritual realm of the spiritual:
It is a time to recognise your true potential. Perhaps you have been denying your capabilities out of fear of becoming over confident or arrogant. The cards say that however much you grow, remember you grow to serve your true purpose. Infact should you deny that growth, you will be actually hampering the divine plan and you will only end up blocking the flow of chi. Have you been experiencing inexplicable localised sharp pains somewhere in your body lately? Because that could be a sign of you blocking the energy flow.
Be comfortable with who (and what) you are. Be happy and proud of your real inner self. Accept. (This doesn't mean you become vain! There is a difference.)

2) The physical realm of the spiritual:
Perhaps there are a few minor dilemmas that you are facing. You are being told to simply be conventional for a while. Follow that what is karmically correct and you shall not falter. Keep doing what is expected out of you as far as the norms of society are concerned. Do it with joy. And trust that the physical world doesn't need much attention right now because the spiritual world is busy interacting with you, trying to kick start you. (Have you been feeling some sleep disturbance? Perhaps excessive sleepiness or perhaps insomnia?)

3) The inner pain:

You  want something. Well this is no news, everyone wants something. However, this is different. Let me rephrase. Your heart pines for something. It is something so important that at times it is the only thing that defines your existence. The cards tell that you have been preoccupied with it. They say you must trust the divine plan. When you remember your goal, think of it, and express your desire as prayers to whom so ever you believe in. Or visualise it. Point is, don't dwell on it. Do what you are required to do. The times ahead might be slightly difficult but remember, so long as you keep putting the base, the cheese the toppings, one day the pizza shall be complete. But keep holding onto that jalopeno, and all you can get is a dip!
(Did I make a point here?)

So well, I don't know to whom all this extensive mystical reading is applicable. Drop by a mail in case it is ( )
You can say it came into my head and made me take it via the cards. And I just knew it that I had to share it. Perhaps it is important to someone out there.

I hope you are well,
Blessed be

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