Tuesday 21 July 2015

July 21st and onwards; a ride of realisations

Sometimes I wonder why these readings happen on Tuesdays! Why not on weekends? Or why not on a Monday? I mean they are more logical days for a weekly reading. But nopes, I don't wake up on Tuesdays, I rise a wiccan, ready to read. Hmmm. Anyway, I guess that's how it is.

"There is a reading about a ride"
"Well, all forecasts talk about a ride ahead"
"Yes, but this is one of realisations"
"So you mean the 'ride ahead' is a time of realisations or do you mean that there shall be realisations about a particular 'ride' , a matter of the past, in the coming week?"

* * *

You are what you inherit
Whether in genes in spirit or in property
Whether in values in morals or in attitude
You are what you inherit
Biologically, from family
Socially, from the people you come across
And spiritually, from the circumstances you encounter

"In the coming week, you must remind yourself of everything you have inherited. That shall help you tide the storm"

Yes. A storm is approaching, a seed for creation
A blank canvas fresh
Stark white, painful, but your inherited collective wisdom shall help you with it.

Notice when we talked about inheritance, we spoke about circumstances being responsible for spiritual inheritance? Yes, you are being asked to look at what you encounter as the perfectly orchestrated set of circumstances, required for your growth. "You are being prodded by means of the situations you face, to seek your heart's desire. Seek the blessing in the situation and you shall find the key"

You shall be presented with an opportunity to "decide who you truly are and act for your divine purpose"

"Avoid people who make you feel like you are compromising who you truly are."

For some, the week ahead shall present with all this, for others, it shall present with a realisation: an enlightenment in retrospect; wherein you shall realise why, some time back, you encountered a particular situation. It is a time for you to be able to connect those dots and see the picture that you saw as a storm of crazy dots until now.

Everything happens for a reason, to be unable to figure it out is only human.

Blessed be,

Contact me for personal readings and runic healing on my email (siyarasolutions@gmail.com) or via Google+

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