Friday, 31 July 2015

Blue Moon Ritual

Here is a beautiful blue moon ritual ... Simple yet so traditional!

I am going to perform this to release some of the patterns, I believe, hold me back from being everything I can be. Along with that, I am going to pray for ascension and good health:


Blue Moon Summonsing Ritual

Here’s a short ritual to help you get that clarity. You’ll need a candle, some paper and a pen, matches and a bowl to burn your paper in, and two small crystals or stones. One crystal needs to buried, to signify the release of what you are giving up or ending. This will be known as your Release Stone. The other stone will be kept as a touchstone and meditation tool. This stone will be known as your Anchoring Stone.

Set aside a minimum of ten minutes for this ritual, although you may take an hour or more if you want to go deep into this energy of shift and release. This can be done at any time after midday on July 31 through to midday on August 1. I prefer to do my ritual at night, when the moon is high in the sky, but it will be effective for this 24 hour window.

Choose what feels right to you. Even a stone from the garden or beach is fine.

Ritual Instructions:

Sit somewhere quiet with your paper and your stones.
Light your candle.

(1)Take the Release Stone in your hands.
Close your eyes and offer up a prayer of intention, that you now be shown what is holding you back, and what needs to be let go, no matter how painful.
Open your eyes, hold your stone in one hand, and with the other hand write a list of all of the things you now choose to let go, to release, and to finish. This list could be about the past, relationships, memories, actions, behaviours, attitudes, jobs or life circumstances. Start your list with the words I consciously choose to release… and finish your list with the words …and it is so. 
Then sign your name. *Hold the paper in one hand and the stone in the other, close your eyes and offer up a prayer that the energetic burden of the contents of this list be transferred to the stone. Let the stone become heavy in your hand and then put it down on top of the paper.*

(2)Now take the Anchoring Stone in your hands. Close your eyes and offer up a prayer of intention, that you are now ready to draw into your life flow, love, health, success or whatever your specific dreams are for a brighter future.
Open your eyes, hold your stone in one hand, and with the other hand write a list of all of the things you now choose to invite into your life. Start your list with the words I consciously choose to create and to anchor… and finish your list with the words …and it is so. Then sign your name.

*Hold the paper in one hand and the stone in the other, close your eyes and offer up a prayer that the Anchoring Stone becomes magnetised to drawing these positive energies and opportunities into your life.*  Let the stone become warm in your hand and then put it down on top of the paper.

Blow out the candle and go outside (if you’re not already there!) with your stones, lists, matches and a burning bowl.

Look up to the sky and acknowledge the moon and her energy. Place both the lists on the ground with the stones on top of them.

Start by picking up the Release Stone and the Release list. Hold the stone, and set fire to the list, allowing it to burn to ash. As you do this say the words I willingly release all that no longer serves me. Then place the Release Stone on the earth.

Now pick up the Anchoring Stone and the Anchoring list. Hold the stone, and set fire to the list, allowing it to burn to ash. As you do this say the words I willingly anchor these new energies and possibilities in my life. Then place the Anchoring Stone on the earth.

Allow both of the stones to rest on the earth for one full day and night.

Then bury the Release Stone in the Earth. You are done with that now.

Take the Anchoring Stone and keep it by your bed, or in your pocket. Use it often in meditation, or simply sit and hold it, allowing your thoughts to connect in to these energies you wish to manifest in your life. Trust that change will happen. Be open to changes in your mood, your actions, your thoughts and feelings.

Honour impulses to create, to action, to start, to end, to do. You may notice radical positive change over the next few months. That’s okay. You invited it!

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

July 21st and onwards; a ride of realisations

Sometimes I wonder why these readings happen on Tuesdays! Why not on weekends? Or why not on a Monday? I mean they are more logical days for a weekly reading. But nopes, I don't wake up on Tuesdays, I rise a wiccan, ready to read. Hmmm. Anyway, I guess that's how it is.

"There is a reading about a ride"
"Well, all forecasts talk about a ride ahead"
"Yes, but this is one of realisations"
"So you mean the 'ride ahead' is a time of realisations or do you mean that there shall be realisations about a particular 'ride' , a matter of the past, in the coming week?"

* * *

You are what you inherit
Whether in genes in spirit or in property
Whether in values in morals or in attitude
You are what you inherit
Biologically, from family
Socially, from the people you come across
And spiritually, from the circumstances you encounter

"In the coming week, you must remind yourself of everything you have inherited. That shall help you tide the storm"

Yes. A storm is approaching, a seed for creation
A blank canvas fresh
Stark white, painful, but your inherited collective wisdom shall help you with it.

Notice when we talked about inheritance, we spoke about circumstances being responsible for spiritual inheritance? Yes, you are being asked to look at what you encounter as the perfectly orchestrated set of circumstances, required for your growth. "You are being prodded by means of the situations you face, to seek your heart's desire. Seek the blessing in the situation and you shall find the key"

You shall be presented with an opportunity to "decide who you truly are and act for your divine purpose"

"Avoid people who make you feel like you are compromising who you truly are."

For some, the week ahead shall present with all this, for others, it shall present with a realisation: an enlightenment in retrospect; wherein you shall realise why, some time back, you encountered a particular situation. It is a time for you to be able to connect those dots and see the picture that you saw as a storm of crazy dots until now.

Everything happens for a reason, to be unable to figure it out is only human.

Blessed be,

Contact me for personal readings and runic healing on my email ( or via Google+

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

July 15 and onwards; protection


"I am safe" tell yourself. "I am protected."
In the week to come, some of us might feel unsafe at some level: physical, material or spiritual. There could also be some hidden danger. While you must keep hold of what you have, you must also reassure yourself that all is well because anticipating an accident only attracts it to us. Thus, combat your issue also with your thoughts by maintaining a positive outlook.

It is important to not feel deprived: of love/materialistic requirements/safety etc. Abundance is as abundance perceived. Remember. Positive results must be expected to attain positive results. If you can successfully and rationally do this, the coming week might bring you good luck and better fortune.

In the coming week, if you find yourself in chaos, remember to think of it as an indication to be mindful of your thoughts and the way you conduct your life.

Step back and see to get an overview of how things are working. If you get caught in the chaos, you will feel stagnant. But if you can take the chaos as a challenge, if you can step back and see how things are, you could do much better.

You are being told:
When in doubt, recognise your heart's true desire, trust it and follow it.

Love and light to you!

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

To be and Wish to

May the universe facilitate the work of us children, may we be guided, may we be blessed.

Why is it that many times the good is judged forcing the good doers  into secrecy? Such irony, that everyone talks of goodness and then don't let goodness materialise without much difficulty?

But this is also the test of us children, for us to realise our own might.

Hmmm.... Perhaps life is the way it is.

But I do hope, the wheels turn for the better!


If I could somehow go

Into the pristine wilderness of my within

Be not the song bird

But simply be the me that's me...


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Goddess Moon

A full moon chant I wrote for the goddess.


Rise , I rise
unto the moon
glorious mother
with glorious boon
I pray to thee
goddess divine
your grace I seek
brighter I shine
safe with you
in healing light
empowered with you
with magickal might
strong willed and kind
myself, I raise
with stardust magickal
and lunar grace
