Thursday, 30 June 2016

Light Meditation: A Message


First of all the word ‘light’ here does not mean the opposite of dark neither does it indicate ‘less vigourous’. Light here refers to the physical, perceivable (by thoughts and visualisation) form of the skeletal vibrations of the multiverse/ world that we are all a part of (Note, I do not say ‘we live in’ I specify ‘we are a part of’ because we are. We are like the limbs of a body. And what is a body without all its components?)
So we are all a part of a giant body that is too divine for us to normally imagine. (Try being a small cell in the corner of your finger and try imagining your entire body with all its physiology and biochemistry from the point of view of that cell. Immense, right?)

What we try to do to ‘connect’ with the ‘body’ is MEDITATE. Meditation is like communication (or focussed communication where we silence all other forms of communication between us and our physical 3D environment and try to communicate with the larger body instead. 

Long back, when I used to devote more time for spiritual practise, I used to try and follow a simple yet powerful technique of meditation called ‘Light Meditation’. I had several experiences, but today I shall be discussing what I experienced in the newly started phase two, so to say, of my light meditation, which I could start thanks to the motivation from my guides.

When we do this technique, we essentially try to fill ourselves and all that is around us with a beautiful glowing light that we visualise. Now visualisation is an art in itself and can perhaps be discussed in another article. But the essence is that we fill everything, all of the world with this light. The ‘light’ heals us, fills the scars and brings wholesomeness in the world. The larger number of beings that do this, the better for us all.

Here I am not discussing the technique per se, only what it revealed to me. I was mediating, visualising the light fill me, fill the world and all the beings, living and ‘non-living’ that are there, when I have this feeling that ‘I am not so separate from the world and suddenly I was, so to say, within the earth, and the light was pouring down into me and the earth. I was all the people and the all the people were earth and the light filled us all. It was  beautiful feeling, perhaps I cannot describe it aptly. Inside the earth I met a goddess, who got down from a white luminous lotus. I perhaps recognised her and asked her why her lotus was white and she gave some answer that I cannot recollect at all right now. However, she said that finally I was climbing the stairs of ascension. ‘We are indeed all one. Try to see yourself in all the people you know, those that you like and especially those that you like less. What part of them resembles you?’ I tried to do as she said and told her what I felt I had in common with the people I liked and didn’t.
To understand the macrocosm, you need to go to the basics and understand the microcosm. This is what I was told.
‘Where do you think this light that you imagine comes from?’
I wondered.
‘Do you think you create it?' I was asked.
‘No of course, it is the intrinsic light of the universe.’ I replied.
‘So we all have the light, since you agree that we all are the constituents of the world, like the drops that make up an ocean?”
‘Yes’ I replied.
‘So that means the total amount of light must be fixed. So essentially, when you imagine the endless light pouring into you, you pour it from somewhere where there is much light?’
‘I think so’ I said.
 ‘So imagine you are a tiny nerve ending and you receive your signal (the light, in our case) from a ganglion. That makes sense.’
‘Yes that does.’
‘And that ganglion receives it from a higher structure like the brain.’
‘So where does the brain get it from?’ I was asked.
I wondered. ‘The brain creates signal. Signals are in fact just changes in the ions in our body.’ I replied.
‘True. So the changes in the ionic composition is creating the signal that travels in the nerves. In our case, karma creates the light. The better your karma, the easier it is for you to channel the light. So, tell me, what creates the ionic changes?’
‘Some stimulus.’
Yes, in our case that would be the destiny or the obstacle or the stimulus or the key, whatever way you want to describe it.’
'So who is sending the stimulus out to us?’ I asked.
‘We are.’
‘Meaning it is all a big loop. Your one action leads to another and the follow a series of events and then a series of karma and so on. All of this, time itself, is a loop of sorts. Time is like a giant complicated mobius strip.’
‘hmm’ I wondered
‘Who sends the signal to the brain, after all?’
‘The nerves themselves.’ I said.
‘Exactly. The brain is akin to the greatest, most fathomless pool of this ‘light’. It is like Prashakti. Then comes the ganglions, like Brahma Vishnu Mahesh or the Trinity, and then the still smaller collections of nerves, like the devas or the rishis or the archangels with a more specific function, so to say. And then come the warriors on the earth, the light workers. Much is needed from all the light workers, much ground work. 

The goddess is not so structural. She is the essence of this all, the energy. If the God is a wheel, the Goddess is the moment of inertia or the intrinsic ability that makes the wheel so special from other shapes, for instance. She drives and halts the wheel.’ 

I don’t know if this is intelligible to you. Meditation teaches you in a language that you understand. We all need to find our own answers.
However, what I would like to ad here, and this is my opinion only, is that while light represents the yellow, or the direction East or the lord of knowledge and intuition in paganism, and even though light meditation heals and reveals, it is not sufficient. What is important that we do a meditation with each of the five elements namely Earth Water  Air Fire Ether. This would be more balanced especially since water, the fluid element of unconditional love, makes us humble and protects us from being too proud of ourselves when we are learning from Light as incomplete knowledge can make us too haughty for our own good.

Water meditation is important. Again, we can discuss the techniques elsewhere in some other article.
The energy of ‘love’ is the foremost essence of all. While ‘Light’ could be considered the perceivable form of vibrations, it is ‘love’ that creates them. 

Going back to our own microcosm, for instance, in a human foetus, the heart becomes functional before the brain. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Animal speak: The Eagle

Has the eagle flown into your life?
Perhaps via a dream... Perhaps you often see Eagles in the most unexpected places... Eagle is a very powerful symbol. This picture gives a brief account of Eagle medicine:

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Animal Speak: The Lizard

The lizard is a powerful spirit animal who symbolises ability to escape danger and  regeneration. Just as he sheds his tail to escape a danger, he symbolises the importance of leaving the 'old' (ideas/beliefs/lifestyle etc) behind for our betterment. He also symbolises our power to regenerate....

Monday, 8 February 2016

Lightworkers' scroll, Feb 8, 2016

Put your efforts towards the things in your life that embrace and enhance who you and your mission truly are. Be prepared to make necessary changes that will facilitate opportunities to advance you along your path. 'Better' is entering your life, allow it to.

Prepare yourself for life changes. Listen to your intuition and angelic guidance as to the appropriate steps to take.

Your spirit guides are applauding and encouraging your efforts towards living your life purpose.

Put in the hardwork and the rewards are all yours.

Positive life changes are ahead of you, and you must know that your guides are with you in them, always.  Your passions and life purpose may require to be reviewed, bit you must have trust on these changes as they bring with them many opportunities.
Rely upon your communicative and creative skills and abilities and allow yourself to keep an open mind and an open heart as to the changes currently taking place in your life. Trust that your highest ideals and desires may manifest as a result.

The Ascended Masters are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within, and are helping you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others. They are with you giving you guidance and assistance when needed.  

Your spirit guides  are most pleased with the path you have chosen to take and offer you their assistance and guidance.  Your clear connection with the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters is ensuring a strong channel of communication and you are receiving Divine guidance every step of the way. 


Saturday, 9 January 2016

The Animal Speak, The Leopard

The leopard awakens the hunter. Symbol of fierceness, he makes us aware of a power within us that we didn't know about or had forgotten.
Perhaps the lack of access to that power/trait allowed you to hurt yourself. With leopard in your life, that power rises up and brings about healing by raising the primary sources of those hurts.


Thursday, 7 January 2016

Light Workers' Scroll 7th January 2016

You have manifested major life changes in your life and they shall further assist you upon your path. Your positive attitude and expectations have manifested auspicious circumstances and situations in your life. Important changes are sweeping through all aspects of your life. (653) 

You have the abilities to manifest all that you require and desire into your life.  This message is a sign of manifesting prosperity, abundance and spiritual advancement.  Be grateful for the blessings entering your life and remember to share your good fortune with others. (87) You are manifesting fresh new opportunities. ( 813 ) 

A significant and important phase of your life has approached its fag end.  do not anchor to it, allow for a free flow. Meditate on the rune 'Laguz' along with 'Sowilo', and seek help as you surrender and release old and out of sync aspects of your life, as your thoughts, intentions and opportunities of a better life are coming your way. Think only thoughts of abundance and keep your intentions positive as you are co-creating very rapidly right now.  The moon also turns 'new' in a few hours and with her entering the waxing phase, this power will magnify.(8+1)

You have successfully paved a way to a life that is true to you and a future that is abundant and successful. You are being congratulated for that. These are auspicious times, stay positive (817) and make some conscious, fresh starts (901), trust that you are headed in the right direction (and this has been achieved through your positive affirmations, intentions, vizualizations, expectations and actions.) and that you have achieved a great personal success and are enroute to more (1017).

What you expect, you get. Remember, with your values, beliefs, wishes, prayers, as well as with your decisions and actions  you create your own reality at every waking or sleeping moment(1079) . As the universe leads you to the answer to your prayers you are asked to listen and follow the steps that are being communicated to you through your thoughts, intuition and dreams. Thus, remember to remain mindful at all times! Your thoughts, visions and intuitive feelings about aspects of your life purpose are successfully guiding you in the right direction. These are liberating and enlightening time for you. (7+5)


Images  from here.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Light Workers' Scroll, 6th January 2016

Before you read this post, read the one titles '5th January' as all of it was repeated today. 

Your guides sense the impatience within you and they are trying to send you peace and calm with which you may find love within. However, they say that “help must be sought and redeemed.” Seek help and enable more to come your way by improving your surroundings. (43)
Angelic help is clearing away your anxieties and liberate you from your self. Support their efforts by affirming that you deserve happiness and joy. (716)

Now that you are actually taking actions to practically live your life’s purpose, some emotional issues are cropping up. Trust that you are being purged clean.
To aid the process:

Support yourself with much rest and a diet that rich in water and devoid of processed food. Listen to your intuitive message and follow the lead without delay.(1069) Accept the angelic help with gratitude and remember to share it with your fellow light workers. 

Some doors are being closed for you. Do not fear! Some thing absolutely amazing is coming your way and it is an outcome of the “seeds you had sown” and “angelic help”. Time has come that you put your heart and soul into that what you undertake. (28/4+2) 

Your true spirituality is coming to the forefront now. These are exciting times and the angels ask you to shed light on everything that you are! (901)

Lots of love,

Light Workers' Scroll, 5th January, 2016

Hello fellow light workers, here is another message for us...

Stay on your present course and you will be enriched at many levels.  Liberating times are finally here and you must not doubt them or allow other’s opinions, judgements or pressure to sway you off your course.  Stay true to yourself.

You have worked hard and your active efforts as well as the changes that seem to have spontaneously occurred, have together put you onto the right path. 
Your connection with the angels is strong and has allowed for their guidance to reach you. Keep receiving and following this guidance.

The current changes will also assist you with more growth. There is scope for more growth, allow it. You are a light worker, embrace it and understand its importance. Awaken to your divine purpose. All ‘change’ is divine. A door closes, a new one opens, you just ask the angels to turn on the lights, look for the doorknob, and open it!

You have also received a lesson or two about balancing. Know that striking a balance between spiritual and material isn’t a sin. On the contrary, it is what the Star of David / Six pointed Star stand for! Since you have been able to learn a few lessons on ‘balance’, more abundance will reach you soon! You must accept them with gratitude and share them with those in need.

Miracles are enroute , trust your skills and keep doing what you love the most. You will get all that you really need. “Do not doubt, all that you need for your true goal is within an arm’s reach”, the angels say, “but remember, you receive, not to collect, but to give.” 
Recognise the divinity in and around you, and you shall recognise who you truly are. 


Tuesday, 5 January 2016

The Animal Speak: Owl and Kestrel

(About seeking and receiving help/guidance)

The picture for this post is the one showing a tussle between an Owl and a Kestrel. This picture guides us in our time of 'feeling stuck' or clueless...

Both Kestrel and Owl promote
a mindfulness.
Owl says "See
beyond illusion" (active) and Kestrel says "Pay attention to unfolding events" (passive)
Owl tells is to explore the magic of life with discernment and to "Seek subtle signs" while Kestrel adds "Let your inner power and shape your future, go with the flow"

Together they imply that help is around but try and be active in seeking it.


wisdom and intuitive knowledge.
see beyond illusion and deceit. .
inspiration and guidance necessary to deeply explore the unknown and the magic of life.


The mysteries of life and appreciation for life’s magic.

Listen and look out for the subtle signs around you: guide to uncover your hidden potential and abilities.


Accuracy of movement, speed and grace, mental concentration, acting at the correct moment, patience, precise action.

They perch, swoop down, hover and attack.
Kestrel people frequently have the urge to sit or be placed in a position with expansive views.
Strong desire to spend time alone/independent.
Suited for planning.

Discover ones personal rhythm and act accordingly.
Broader vision 
When to act and when not to.

Stimulate your mental powers and move speedily and smoothly into the future that you desire.
Go with the flow.
Paying attention to unfolding situation

Blessed be,

Monday, 4 January 2016

Healing greeting: Inner Truth

Here is a random healing greeting for you!

P.S. These greetings that I am posting these days contain subliminal messages pertaining to the theme.
This one, for instance, aims at triggering inner knowing and bringing out your true self.

Please do comment on how you like these greetings! Share it with your friends and family!


The Animal Speak: The Cat

I am been guided for a long time now, to do a lot of things, one of which is connecting all of us with the spirit world of the animals.
I was told to use natural pictures that inspire, thus I haven't used eye catching fantasy art but raw pictures (that I deny any ownership of) that should ideally imply the message.

I sought the first animal and the Cat popped up.

Observe the picture carefully and
you can see most of the characteristics
attributed to the cat. She is smart even
in her innocence. She is keen, curious
and wise. She isn't confused. She seeks
with patience. Fearless, she explores.

If you think you can associate with these characteristics, then Cat is your spirit animal. However, if you were thinking intensely about an issue and you have "accidentally" bumped into this post, then please do consider the words to be the advice to you.

Have a magickal day!

Blessed be,

Healing Greeting

Here is a random greeting for you!

Friday, 1 January 2016

Light Worker's Scroll, 01 January, 2016

The following is a message that kept repeating itself all day. I guess some of us are going through 'emotional growing pains'. The angels are offering their support with this message:

Angels are egging you to engage in activities that you enjoy and that are fulfilling for you. All your situations are an outcome of your own actions or inactions. So it is best if you allow yourself to be guided by intuition/ angels and use your natural skills and abilities.
Trust that everything is turning out for the best. All is being worked out and soon you will see the fruits of your manifestations. 

Maintain a positive attitude and abundance will reach you in the divine right time. Believe in yourself and your intuition and trust that you are supported fully. Today is about faith, trust and self belief

Try and enhance your living space bit, it is required now.

Step forward with confidence. Positive difference that you are here to bring about, can only happen if you stay honest to yourself. There is a new door of opportunity waiting for you. Step through it. Focus on your goals and seek help as you need it. 

Big changes are headed your way and your guides hold you tightly through them. Be fearless, all will be well. 

Expect miracles now. 
You are being prepared for a wonderful new lifestyle and all will be beautiful so you must stop dwelling over what changed and why. 

Don't see yourself as a victim anymore. 

Try and see yourself as your authentic, powerful, divine identity.  

These are auspicious circumstances, make the most of them and share your blessings. Let the old go and welcome the new with love, enthusiasm and optimism. The angels emphasise that enriching changes are on their way and you must stay on your present path. Soon you will be liberated. Stay true to yourself and pay attention to your intuition to manifest your dreams faster.

Please leave your comments/ contact via email at

Lots of love, 
