The blood moon got upon us a time of 'thinking from the heart'. Many of us were in a more pensive, laid back mood where the train of logical thinking was interrupted not only once, by emotions that flared up in tiny but frequent doses.
As it is the full moon brings out our inner, usually more repressed self. This one especially, was a super moon. Closer and brighter, it goes without saying that the effect was more profound.
Enough of the recent past. Coming to the divination now, the moon goddess's ascend this time brought about changes that took place behind the curtain and in the coming time, the effects of these changes shall present themselves. The area that is most highlighted is the one of 'union' . Now before you jump to conclusions, let me reiterate: 'union in the important area of your life'. So, to fully derive the meaning of the reading, I would first ask you to think what area is most important to you these days? It could be love or marriage or business or education or ascension. It could be travel or family or health or finances. It could be anything. Be sure what it is.
This reading, as one of the previous ones, emphasises on the importance of being 'passive' and 'allowing for things to happen'. Know that what is needed will happen and as much as striving to achieve your goal is important, so is at times sitting calmly and receiving your reward.
You have nurtured the tree for quite some time now. You got it water and let light nourish it. It is bearing fruits now. As I write this, I can think of the lovely green mangoes that adorn the trees. You are now sitting in the shade of that tree. It is thick lush. You can see the shadow on the ground. You don't see any water. Neither do you see and sunshine from the cool bower. You can't see the lovely green mangoes as they are camouflaged in the equally beautiful canopy. What do you do? You think your efforts were a waste and that perhaps you should give up. But no! You are being told to wait by that tree. Let another month pass and the mangoes would ripen, turn lovely bright yellow and fill the air with their aroma. What are you supposed to do? Just sit by the tree.
Don't you think, for even a moment, that it is all stagnant. Time is flowing in our physical reality and somewhere slowly those mangoes are ripening!
You shall certainly encounter someone extremely important in the area of your life that is vital to you now. Perhaps it is a soulmate. Perhaps it is a friend you really need. Perhaps it is a distant relative. It could also be a business partner. Or even a pet! Blessings come in all forms. Let them come, recognise them and be grateful for them...
Lots of love,