Sunday, 27 September 2015

Blood Moon and Her Message: divination, September the 28th

The blood moon got upon us a time of 'thinking from the heart'. Many of us were in a more pensive, laid back mood where the train of logical thinking was interrupted not only once, by emotions that flared up in tiny but frequent doses.

As it is the full moon brings out our inner, usually more repressed self. This one especially, was a super moon. Closer and brighter, it goes without saying that the effect was more profound.

Enough of the recent past. Coming to the divination now, the moon goddess's ascend this time brought about changes that took place behind the curtain and in the coming time, the effects of these changes shall present themselves. The area that is most highlighted is the one of 'union' . Now before you jump to conclusions, let me reiterate: 'union in the important area of your life'. So, to fully derive the meaning of the reading, I would first ask you to think what area is most important to you these days? It could be love or marriage or business or education or ascension. It could be travel or family or health or finances. It could be anything. Be sure what it is.

This reading, as one of the previous ones, emphasises on the importance of being 'passive' and 'allowing for things to happen'. Know that what is needed will happen and as much as striving to achieve your goal is important, so is at times sitting calmly and receiving your reward.

You have nurtured the tree for quite some time now. You got it water and let light nourish it. It is bearing fruits now. As I write this, I can think of the lovely green mangoes that adorn the trees. You are now sitting in the shade of that tree. It is thick lush. You can see the shadow on the ground. You don't see any water. Neither do you see and sunshine from the cool bower. You can't see the lovely green mangoes as they are camouflaged in the equally beautiful canopy. What do you do? You think your efforts were a waste and that perhaps you should give up. But no! You are being told to wait by that tree. Let another month pass and the mangoes would ripen, turn lovely bright yellow and fill the air with their aroma. What are you supposed to do? Just sit by the tree.

Don't you think, for even a moment, that it is all stagnant. Time is flowing in our physical reality and somewhere slowly those mangoes are ripening!

You shall certainly encounter someone extremely important in the area of your life that is vital to you now. Perhaps it is a soulmate. Perhaps it is a friend you really need. Perhaps it is a distant relative. It could also be a business partner. Or even a pet! Blessings come in all forms. Let them come, recognise them and be grateful for them...

Lots of love,

Friday, 18 September 2015

Three card matrix: divination (Dated: September the 18th)

The cards spoke about three aspects. Perhaps this reading is more specific for the lightworkers, however everyone else can also relate to at least the last part of the reading .

So here goes:

There are three aspects that the cards spoke about:
1) The spiritual realm of the spiritual:
It is a time to recognise your true potential. Perhaps you have been denying your capabilities out of fear of becoming over confident or arrogant. The cards say that however much you grow, remember you grow to serve your true purpose. Infact should you deny that growth, you will be actually hampering the divine plan and you will only end up blocking the flow of chi. Have you been experiencing inexplicable localised sharp pains somewhere in your body lately? Because that could be a sign of you blocking the energy flow.
Be comfortable with who (and what) you are. Be happy and proud of your real inner self. Accept. (This doesn't mean you become vain! There is a difference.)

2) The physical realm of the spiritual:
Perhaps there are a few minor dilemmas that you are facing. You are being told to simply be conventional for a while. Follow that what is karmically correct and you shall not falter. Keep doing what is expected out of you as far as the norms of society are concerned. Do it with joy. And trust that the physical world doesn't need much attention right now because the spiritual world is busy interacting with you, trying to kick start you. (Have you been feeling some sleep disturbance? Perhaps excessive sleepiness or perhaps insomnia?)

3) The inner pain:

You  want something. Well this is no news, everyone wants something. However, this is different. Let me rephrase. Your heart pines for something. It is something so important that at times it is the only thing that defines your existence. The cards tell that you have been preoccupied with it. They say you must trust the divine plan. When you remember your goal, think of it, and express your desire as prayers to whom so ever you believe in. Or visualise it. Point is, don't dwell on it. Do what you are required to do. The times ahead might be slightly difficult but remember, so long as you keep putting the base, the cheese the toppings, one day the pizza shall be complete. But keep holding onto that jalopeno, and all you can get is a dip!
(Did I make a point here?)

So well, I don't know to whom all this extensive mystical reading is applicable. Drop by a mail in case it is ( )
You can say it came into my head and made me take it via the cards. And I just knew it that I had to share it. Perhaps it is important to someone out there.

I hope you are well,
Blessed be

Sunday, 6 September 2015

September 6th onwards...Weekly divination


Should you kill your only help
You are worse than dead yourself
Stranded in the world of mazes
See in others your very self

Perished, your guides cannot lead you
But you need to be wisely lead
In chasing your priced possession
Make sure your soul isn't dead

Be passive, wise to see the signs
Be open to guidance and then you shall tread
Amidst thorns, green grasslands you shall find
And when hungry, you shall find the bread

Try and try and lost you might get
For the water is blurred by commotion
To see beneath the face of a pond
You need stillness, not motion

Don't seek the treasure your soul now needs,
let it seek you, allow it to come
For the treasure is already yours
Be passive for now, for the magic has begun.

Love, Iyah

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

September 1st onwards: Mindfulness and clarity (Divination)

The universe is built on  dominoes. No event nor any one organism is ever isolated. One thing leads to another. One person is linked to another. No one, not even the rocks and soil are isolated.

So why do we think that abundance will be a singular, independent achievement?

To manifest anything in the material world, we need to first ascend into the spiritual.

I am not advising everyone to go trod the spiritual path. It isn't a freeway, it is a calling, a journey, that although not very difficult, is not meant for all. However, a spiritual way of life is something we could all try. We could all try living in the moment. We could all try be aware of the 'now'. We could all try cutting off from the past and we could all try not to dwell on the future.

How difficult is it to live in the moment with utmost truth and honesty, and to enjoy and be grateful for every single small event that we encounter?

It may seem a bit difficult, but with practice, it is possible.

The message for us this time is this only. The way we live decides how clear we are about our life. Should we be mindful of what is happening with us, we shall realise what we must do.

Mindfulness brings us closer to the clarity we seek. Once we attain this clarity, our path towards whatever it is that we seek, becomes clearer.

If however, we get so cut off from what we are going through, we shall not be able to listen to the guiding voice within us: our intuition; and thus we miss out on vital information.

The coming time is good for improving our mindfulness. As the moon achieves the fourteenth day, the ability for us to be more aware of ourselves shall tremendously increase. New clarity shall be attained in matters that were shrouded in mystery for some time now. Our path towards what we seek shall be much clearer. Pray for your path to be lit, and light there shall be...
