Sunday, 21 June 2015

A Litha of Love

Hi all
I feel delighted with a light that is shining inside me as the Sun Lord shines.
I had a simple Litha with a humble , symbolic bonfire in a cauldron and I skipped the tools and herbs (primarily because I am travelling)

My Litha was about global peace and collective empowerment. This is in fact the theme of most of my celebrations.

The day began with a mystical visit by a few birds. They called me out and I felt instantly blessed. I had a cleansing ritual bath and as I sat down honouring the forces of nature, invoking the elements, I could feel the power of the Sun. I saw His beautiful surface, the powerful whips of heat and light, in my minds eye. I prayed that the light of the Sun forever shine upon us and empower us all. Then I saw the lovely surface of the mother Moon. I saw her cool light and mystical appeal. I prayed that may her glow radiate from within us all, helping us ascend in our journey.

Then I did a simple visualisation:
I saw the golden and silver light filling me, as I filled my self with love and affirmation. Then, I saw it radiate onto my friends, family, city and so on until I could visualise the entire world bathing in a beautiful amalgam of gold and silver.

We can only rise via love.
We can only sustain the rise if the entire earth rises.

This Litha, I tried at my level, to raise the frequency of our home.

How was your Litha?

Love and light,

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