Wondrous are the eyes that behold
In stars simple, beauty resplendent
In mundane that see the many
Miracles marvellous, such magick!
Wondrous are the eyes that behold
In stars simple, beauty resplendent
In mundane that see the many
Miracles marvellous, such magick!
I am having a magickal Beltane and it is Thursday, the day of Jupiter, AND in waxing phase, so when I realised my place needs cleansing, I thought why not make a cleanser for a month or so!
I am making it with two (magickal) aims:
1) Protection
2) Prosperity and general wellbeing
I used the following to prepare the cleanser:
1) vinegar: apple cider (or even synthetic will do)
2) salt (black salt or normal)
3) black pepper
4) cinnamon (powdered)
5) parsley (dried, powdered)
6) eucalyptus oil (promotes healing as well as prosperity) (also, I like the smell that lingers)
7) essential oils: jasmine to invoke the blessings of the Goddess (use what you like)
Ah, I see I haven't mentioned the amount. It doesn't matter. Base is vinegar and I added a little this a little that , totally enjoying the process... It feels good to be engrossed in what you are creating. So, as far as measurements go, I did "3 pinches of this" and "3 teaspoons of that".
After mixing everything I also added a little liquid soap.
This gives us our mixture. I have it in a glass bottle, which is better for vinegar based products.
Now for the magick...
We have added the right herbs and essential oils. Now, to charge them:
Set your altar as you would do for a basic ritual. Use crystals if you wish. I like seeking the spirits of black Tourmaline for protection and Quartz for charging up the mixture . Also, Selenite is my personal favourite cementing crystal that seems to orchestrate all the crystals well. Since it is a prosperity related mixture, invoking green Aventurine is also a good idea.
Keep your bottle in the centre of the altar and place the crystals around it. Arrange the rest of your altar as you do. Do a ritual you'd like the best that incorporates charging the liquid.
I did this ritual at thursday night. It us the waxing phase and I am going to keep the mixture and the crystals under the moon each night.
The first use of the mixture would be on the morning of 3rd May, before the moon becomes full later that night (because prosperity related spells shouldn't be first put to use in the waning phase. You could check the time the moon becomes full in your area and plan accordingly)
Subsequently, use it as and when you feel like! You could use it each Thursday. Or you could use it each Thursday of each waxing phase. I plan to use it as often as I can.
Do let me know any changes you did and also how you find it!
Blessed be!
Love and light,